IPSC is the acronym for the International Practical Shooting Confederation. IPSC is a dynamic shooting sport where the principles of Accuracy, Power and Speed are balanced in a unique scoring system. IPSC has defined Action Shooting. It requires competitors to shoot fast and accurately, often shooting on the move and developing techniques and styles to shave off fractions of a second between shots, during reloads and drawing from the holster. IPSC Canada is the governing body for the sport in Canada.

More info about IPSC can be found at the IPSC BC website (www.ipscbc.com) and IPSC Canada website (www.ipsc-canada.org)

Club Overview:
Membership to IPSC BC is required to shoot Level II Qualifiers and above. To become a member of IPSC BC you must first complete the IPSC Training (Black Badge) Course. The course takes 16 hours to complete, over 2 days. It consists of classroom learning and range time. In addition to over 325 rounds of live fire instruction and shooting, the course will cover IPSC rules and regulations. Anyone wanting to take the Black Badge course can contact Murray Gardner by phone at 604.889.3822 or by email at doc@mdgardner.com.

Competitor equipment:
Eye protection
Hearing protection
Handgun (9mm Luger or larger caliber)
2 mag pouches, minimum
Sturdy belt
3 magazines, minimum

Chairman: Geoff Fraser
Email: ipsc@afgc.ca

IPSC Sub Club Update

After much consideration we have decided that the IPSC Saturday night stage practices will remain closed until further notice.The significant challenges that the indoor IPSC Stage night presents to the current social distancing requirements forces us to wait until more favorable conditions.Don't forget to check out Skills and Drills on Fridays and Saturdays for some [...]

By |2020-05-20T12:14:30-07:00May 20th, 2020|IPSC|2 Comments

IPSC Report December 2019

We have had a good turnout for our IPSC Stage Practice nights. These practice sessions have been using fairly sophisticated stage setups to challenge the participants so they can discover weaknesses in their game.  They can then work on those challenges and be better prepared for the upcoming season. The IPSC practice sessions are [...]

By |2019-12-06T16:04:59-08:00December 6th, 2019|IPSC|1 Comment

IPSC Sub Club Report July 2019

As mentioned in last month’s report June was a very active for our IPSC members with matches in Victoria, Kamloops, Fort St John and Pitt Meadows. We had a fantastic turn out with lots of trophies going to Abbotsford IPSC competitors. The following results list the 1st , 2nd and 3rd overall finishers in each division. [...]

By |2019-07-04T08:54:49-07:00July 4th, 2019|IPSC|Comments Off on IPSC Sub Club Report July 2019

IPSC Sub Club Report June 2019

The IPSC Competition Season is now in full swing. Pitt Meadows hosted Qualifier #9 a Level III, two day, 15 stage Match. Trail hosted Qualifiers #10 and #11. As always Abbotsford IPSC members were there to compete and represent our Club. The Abbotsford IPSC competitors results for Qualifier #9 are as follows: Production: 1st [...]

By |2019-06-06T15:01:44-07:00June 6th, 2019|IPSC|Comments Off on IPSC Sub Club Report June 2019

IPSC Sub Club Report May 2019

The first IPSC matches of 2019 were held in Port Coquitlam and Terrace. Port Coquitlam hosting IPSCBC Qualifiers #5 and #6 on April 20/21 and Terrace hosting Qualifiers #7 and #8 on April 27/28. Abbotsford IPSC competitors were in attendance. The Abbotsford IPSC competitors results for Qualifier #5 are as follows: Production: 1st Overall: Rob Engh [...]

By |2019-05-03T08:38:45-07:00May 3rd, 2019|IPSC|Comments Off on IPSC Sub Club Report May 2019

IPSC Sub Club Report March 2019

The 2019 IPSC season is starting to heat up with IPSCBC Qualifier registration becoming more active. Early matches like Port Coquitlam, Terrace, Pitt Meadows and Trail have been made available for registration. We recommend checking the IPSCBC website regularly as the lower mainland matches can fill up very quickly. A reminder that the IPSC Skills [...]

By |2019-03-08T15:53:52-08:00March 8th, 2019|IPSC|1 Comment

IPSC Sub Club Report September 2018

The Abbotsford IPSC Sub Club members participated in two major IPSC matches in August. First the 2018 IPSC Canada Nationals held in Selkirk, Manitoba and second the 2018 IPSCBC Provincial Championships held in Kamloops, BC. Several Abbotsford members also made the Top Ten Shooters List for British Columbia. The results for the Canadian Nationals [...]

By |2018-09-06T10:14:37-07:00September 6th, 2018|IPSC|1 Comment

IPSC Sub Club Report August 2018

There were two IPSC matches in July. One in Nanaimo and the other in Williams Lake. Both receiving very good reviews from the Abbotsford IPSC Sub-Club participants who attended. The results are as follows: Nanaimo Day 1: Open: Rob Engh 3rd Overall, Jono Olson 2nd B Production: Curtis Young 3rd Overall, Lee Corfe 3rd A, [...]

By |2018-08-03T20:30:19-07:00August 3rd, 2018|IPSC|Comments Off on IPSC Sub Club Report August 2018

IPSC Sub Club Report July 2018 

The month of June had three IPSC matches held in Kamloops, Fort St. John and Port Coquitlam. As always Abbotsford had a sizable contingent of shooters attend the matches. All represented the Club very well. The results are as follows: Kamloops Day 1: Open: Murray Gardner, 3rd Overall Production: Rob Engh, 1st Overall; Geoff Fraser [...]

By |2018-07-09T09:19:33-07:00July 9th, 2018|IPSC|Comments Off on IPSC Sub Club Report July 2018 

IPSC Subclub Report June 2018

May has been a busy time for Abbotsford IPSC competitors with matches attended in Pitt Meadows, Trail and Victoria. The first match of May at TMSA was a sanctioned Level 3 Match, which has not taken place in BC for many years. It also means that coveted President's Medals were on the line for Division [...]

By |2018-06-08T10:16:44-07:00June 8th, 2018|IPSC|1 Comment

Skills & Drills and Steel Challenge

There won’t be any Skills and Drills for the next 3 weeks due to matches however Steel Challenge is always happening on Tuesday evenings at 7pm down on Ranges 4 and 5. Hope to see you there! For both Friday Night S&D and Tuesday Night Steel Challenge the following rules apply: No Serpa holsters (or similar) [...]

By |2018-05-13T12:05:34-07:00May 13th, 2018|IPSC, Steel Challenge|Comments Off on Skills & Drills and Steel Challenge
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