Abby IPSC Shooters come home with awards

Congratulations to the following shooters who brought home awards at last weekend's IPSC Qualifiers at TMSA! Special kudos goes to IPSC Sub-club Chairman, Mike McClelland, for two overall 3rd place finishes in Production! Curtis Young, Multi-Gun Sub-club Chairman, brought home two 1st place finishes in C Class. As well IPSC sub-club regular, Lawrence Derksen, finished in [...]

By |2015-04-09T13:14:51-07:00April 9th, 2015|IPSC|Comments Off on Abby IPSC Shooters come home with awards

Club archers bring home awards

Longbow and Recurve Medals Awarded AFGC's Sagittarius Archers were well represented at recent the National Indoor 3-D Championships just held in Cloverdale BC. In their first Nationals the husband and wife team of Jeff and Cassandra Maron managed their nerves over the two days of intensive competition against Canada's best to come out with a Bronze medal for [...]

By |2015-04-06T11:23:17-07:00April 6th, 2015|Sagittarius Archers|Comments Off on Club archers bring home awards

April Sagittarius Archers Club Report

Our upcoming Chad Davis Memorial shoot is coming is scheduled for April 11-12. Just a reminder that the club is closed 4:00 pm April 10th for setup. We are expecting and awesome turnout. The Canadian Indoor 3D Nationals took place 2 weeks ago. There were professional shooters from all over Canada in attendance. Sagittarius had [...]

By |2015-04-06T09:54:18-07:00April 6th, 2015|Sagittarius Archers|Comments Off on April Sagittarius Archers Club Report

ATS Update for April

Shooters, please note, there is no ATS for April (away for a course) and May (superseded by a PPC event). A reminder, for other shooting goodness through April/ May: 18 April: Multi gun match, at AFGC; see for more information. 19 April: Tac Match at Thompson Mountain; see for more information. 16 May: CQB match at AFG; [...]

By |2015-04-06T09:50:32-07:00April 6th, 2015|A.T.S.|Comments Off on ATS Update for April

Multi-gun Sub Club Report April 2015

The club held its first practice day of this season on Saturday March 21 and despite the cold and rain had 9 people come out for the day. Approximately ó of the attendees were new to the sport of multi-gun, so it provided a good introduction of how things operate, as well as learning and practicing some of [...]

By |2015-04-19T10:32:30-07:00April 3rd, 2015|Multigun|Comments Off on Multi-gun Sub Club Report April 2015

Trap Report April 2015

We had a wet day that got wetter. 15 shooters showed up, of these 3 were new to trap. April 2nd is the first Thursday night practice, starting at 6:00 pm. This will continue until the last Thursday in August. Our next monthly shoot will be on April 19th. Come out and join us! Thanks, [...]

By |2015-04-03T11:06:46-07:00April 3rd, 2015|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Report April 2015

IPSC Sub Club Report April 2015

April! Finally, the commencement of match season! Many of our sub-club participants will be attending the first Level 2 IPSC BC Qualifiers of the calendar year, taking place on April 4th and 5th at TMSA. A small group of AFGC shooters attended a Level 1 Club Match at Kelowna Fish and Game Club on March [...]

By |2015-04-03T10:20:57-07:00April 3rd, 2015|IPSC|Comments Off on IPSC Sub Club Report April 2015

22 Rifle Club Report April 2015

Attendance was quite varied during March 2015, from a low of 0 to a high of 18. We have many family groups and non-members attending. On March 30, we were joined by 7 Girl Guides from various areas of the lower mainland. March 2: 8 in attendance March 23: 3 in attendance March 9: 0 in attendance March 30: 18 in attendance [...]

By |2015-04-03T10:15:37-07:00April 3rd, 2015|.22 Rifle|Comments Off on 22 Rifle Club Report April 2015

PPC Report April 2015

The PPC Club has had a good start to our 32nd consecutive year of monthly practice/training matches as well as major competitions. The number of competitors vary each month depending on personal commitments, scheduling and probably the most applicable factor, the weather. For our April match, we will be reverting to Range 3 for the [...]

By |2015-04-03T10:03:22-07:00April 3rd, 2015|P.P.C.|Comments Off on PPC Report April 2015

ATS Sub Club Report April 2015

1st CQB match of the season was well attended, with 65 shooters out. Had 12 shooters out for the ATS day; primarily a shotgun day, with lots of support side operation, and positional shooting. Thanks, Claude Murdoch

By |2015-04-03T10:31:32-07:00April 3rd, 2015|A.T.S.|Comments Off on ATS Sub Club Report April 2015

Biathlon Sub-Club Report April 2015

The biathlon sub-club has come to the end of another busy season. We have had athletes compete at competitions all over BC and Alberta. These competitions include the Canada Winter Games in Prince George, Canadian National Biathlon Championships in Hinton Alberta, North American Cups in Canmore and Edmonton Alberta, as well as BC Cups in [...]

By |2015-04-03T09:58:41-07:00April 3rd, 2015|Biathlon|Comments Off on Biathlon Sub-Club Report April 2015

Big Game Report April 2015

Bear season opened April 1st! LEH synopsis is now online and your applications are due in Victoria no later than May 22nd. Good luck to those who got a spring grizzly draw. Regards, Ian Baird

By |2015-04-03T09:52:29-07:00April 3rd, 2015|Big Game Club|Comments Off on Big Game Report April 2015
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