ATS Cancelled for 25 Oct 2020
Due to a training evolution over this upcoming weekend, the regular ATS practice has been cancelled. Regards, Claude Murdoch ATS Director
Due to a training evolution over this upcoming weekend, the regular ATS practice has been cancelled. Regards, Claude Murdoch ATS Director
Abbotsford Fish and Game Club would like to welcome its newest subclub: The Fraser Valley Recreational Range Club The Fraser Valley Recreational Range Club is a student run club through the University of the Fraser Valley and the Student Union Society of UFV. Our mission is to educate interested parties on the rules, regulations [...]
Our IPSC practice nights are back on Thursday, October 8th. We will be practicing on Range 4 weather permitting. If the range is flooded we may move to Range 2B. If it sounds like the weather is going to be too wet or windy to run a stage, unfortunately we will have to cancel [...]
On September 19, we held our first virtual competition with the Washington State Police Pistol Association, (WSPPA), replacing our normal travel to Marysville on a monthly basis. We expect that these virtual monthly matches will continue until the borders open and the level of Covid-19 positive results are reduced to an acceptable level for us [...]
Another great month for Multigun in September. We held our “Liberal Tear Cheerfest 2020” match that had 40 mixed skill level shooters over 4 bays. Huge thank you goes out to our match sponsors Reliable Gun Wanstalls Drummond Shooting CTC Supplies DS Tactical Odin Works Instead of the usual shut down of the range [...]
Local Rivers: Fraser River: Tidal and Non-tidal portions of the Fraser - this month is the best for most anglers, lots of Coho, Chinook and Chum - fully open October 1st. Sturgeon are big and hungry - best to use salmon parts! Chilliwack/Vedder: The late September storm has filled the watershed with Coho and Chinook: [...]
Please find below the September ATS report- a huge shout out to Igor, for an exceptional day of training, given his bum knee, and all.. 4 shooters joined our Advanced morning shoot. Practice started with Bluegun training at 8:30 and ran until 10AM. We went life at 10AM and practiced 2, 3 and 4 men retreat and OZZY Peel [...]
The interclub shot at Agassiz on September the 13. The Abbotsford team consisted of; Greg Wesselivs 22 Daryl Jantzen 19 Dean Wohlberg 15 Ed Parsons 15 Jordy Thiessen 22 The total final score : Mission 109 Agassiz 103 Abbotsford 93 Chilliwack 83 The club had twelve people [...]
Due to the immense amount of rain today and forecast for Thursday, IPSC Stage Night is cancelled for this week. Next week is our normal night off the for AFGC Board Meeting, but we will be back in two weeks on October 8th. As we are now getting into the season where the weather [...]
This weekends shoot is on. The morning is the advanced shoot only,of those qualified to run blue gun drills (Veritac alumni of the SFTP-3 or DSTO course, or other preapproved equivalent training), 0830- 1000hrs, followed by 2 hours of live fire advanced drills, wrapping up at 1200 hrs. The regular ATS day will run post [...]
Aug 16, 4 shooters out, temp was 35+. Next shoot Sept 20 Oct 18. Interclub at Agassiz Sept 13. Aug 6 practice night in spite of bad highway and feeder road tie ups 9 shooters out. Aug 13: 9, 16: 12. Nathan is willing to run practice night into Sept.
August 23rd ATS: 6 shooters participated in the morning Advanced Shoot. Started at 8:30 to 10AM with bluegun training going live at 10AM. Practiced straight retreat with long guns and transitioned to peel left and right. Finished around noon practicing Left and Right movement from cover to cover. I believe 3 more shooters joined [...]