ATS November Update

All, a reminder there is no ATS this month, as we’re hosting the Shivworks ECQC course. Note this is followed the next weekend, 29-30 November, by the Phase Line Green Low Light Pistol and Carbine Course. Please see , for more details, and to register. Regards all. Claude Murdoch ATS Co-Director

By |2014-11-09T13:27:44-08:00November 9th, 2014|A.T.S.|Comments Off on ATS November Update

Range 1 Clean-out Completed with Pictures

I would like to thank everyone who came out today for the big indoor workbee. You dedication to the club and hard work are much appreciated. Without people like you, the club couldn’t function. In particular Sylvio, Mike, Dave, Andre, Nick, you guys kicked ass (as did some who’s name I am forgetting in my [...]

By |2019-07-01T19:59:21-07:00November 2nd, 2014|IPSC|Comments Off on Range 1 Clean-out Completed with Pictures

ATS News October

Happy Bird Day Weekend all. Hope this finds you all able to enjoy the spirit of the weekend..! A reminder for this months ATS day; Sunday, 26 October; 0930 for set up, Range 3, AFG. Pistol/ carbine/ shotgun; $10 members, $20 Non-Members. Concentration on movement drills, this go round, pending the RSVP list. Given the [...]

By |2014-10-14T09:11:02-07:00October 12th, 2014|A.T.S.|Comments Off on ATS News October

Trap Report September 2014

We had 8 people out for our shoot. The individual trophy was won by Steve Gunston with a score of 20/25. Ron Edward won the 24 yd. handicap with 34/50. Next shoots are October 19 and November 16th, 2014.

By |2014-10-03T15:26:30-07:00October 3rd, 2014|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Report September 2014

ATS Latest News

A reminder for this months shoot, Sunday, 28 Sept, Range 3, 1000hrs. Pistol, carbine, shotgun. If you haven’t yet, please RSVP. Unfortunately, October's CQB match has had to be cancelled; I hope to be able to reschedule, for November. A reminder for November’s ECQC course; I need more numbers, to make sure this training happen, so [...]

By |2014-09-14T13:01:18-07:00September 14th, 2014|A.T.S.|Comments Off on ATS Latest News

Head To Head Match Videos

Well these took a while... but they are up! Big thanks to Sterling Cross Defense Systems for the frangible ammo as prizes, very cool stuff for shooting steel. Shotgun Relay Revolver Relay

By |2014-09-14T13:05:13-07:00September 10th, 2014|Steel Challenge|Comments Off on Head To Head Match Videos

Trap Report August 2014

About 12 shooters attended the August 17th Sunday shoot. Many thanks to Bill Roseboom for setting trap after the no-show of the trap boy. We finally shot the Club Trophies, Al Fadden with 93/100 won the Singles, Rob May won Guns Down 21/25, Doubles 20/25 and Hi-Aggregate with 132/150. The 200 Bird Trophy was won by [...]

By |2014-09-05T10:07:00-07:00September 5th, 2014|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Report August 2014

IPSC Training Course Sept 13/14 2014

For those members and friends who want to get their IPSC certification for using a holster, recognized EVERYWHERE, or get ready to shoot in the 2014/2015 IPSC season, this course is for you. There will be one last qualifier Oct 05.14 at Poco and could be your course completion match. The classes tend to be [...]

By |2014-08-27T08:49:51-07:00August 27th, 2014|IPSC|Comments Off on IPSC Training Course Sept 13/14 2014

ATS News September

Reminder for Septembers ATS, 28 September. Pistol, carbine, shotgun, on Range 3, 1000hr start, please RSVP, if you plan on attending. Thanks to all who came out, today. Having use of the 100m Range 2 was certainly a great opportunity. Funny how that 100m target can be missed, so frequently.... I neglected a few “pending [...]

By |2014-08-24T17:19:46-07:00August 24th, 2014|A.T.S.|Comments Off on ATS News September

ATS News and Updates

A reminder for this month’s shoot. Sunday, 24 August AFG, range 4, this time around, as PPC has range 3. 1000hrs start, $20 non members, $10 members. Pistol, carbine, shotgun (in the PM). Please RSVP, if you plan on attending. Last call for early Shivworks ECQC registration (21-23 Nov), before I blow it open; please see the PDF. [...]

By |2014-08-17T19:17:04-07:00August 17th, 2014|A.T.S.|Comments Off on ATS News and Updates

IPSC Training Course Aug 09-10 2014

For those members and friends who want to get their IPSC certification for using a holster, recognized EVERYWHERE, or get ready to shoot in the 2014/2015 IPSC season, this course is for you. The classes tend to be small which allows students more time to not only have more one-on-one instruction but also shoot a [...]

By |2014-07-25T16:16:40-07:00July 25th, 2014|IPSC|Comments Off on IPSC Training Course Aug 09-10 2014

ATS shoot, Sunday, 27 July and Upcoming ShivWorks

A reminder for this months ATS shoot, Sunday, 27 July. Pistol, carbine, shotgun, similar to what we ran last month. Range 3, 1000hrs, $10 drop in fee for members, $20 for non-members. Please RSVP, if you plan on attending. In addition, Saturday, 19 July, is the AFGC Open House. ATS will be hosting the “black rifle” [...]

By |2014-07-06T13:53:23-07:00July 6th, 2014|A.T.S.|Comments Off on ATS shoot, Sunday, 27 July and Upcoming ShivWorks
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