All Sagittarius Members & Archers
We could use your help with setup for Annual 3D Shoot at the Agrafair building. Date & Time: Friday, January 17 @ 4:30 – 8:00ish pm Pizza provided for all volunteers. See you there!
We could use your help with setup for Annual 3D Shoot at the Agrafair building. Date & Time: Friday, January 17 @ 4:30 – 8:00ish pm Pizza provided for all volunteers. See you there!
For those members and friends who want to get their IPSC certification for using a holster, recognized EVERYWHERE, or get ready to shoot in the 2014 IPSC season, this course is for you. The classes tend to be small which allows students more time to not only have more one-on-one instruction but also shoot a [...]
There will be no Archery on the following Wednesdays, December 25th and January 1 2014. Archery will resume on Jan 8th 2014. Hope to see you all there! Regards, Steve Cotten Sagitarius Executive
The Sagitarius Archery Christmas shoot held on December 8th was a great success! We had record breaking crowd that raised $874 for the Children Hospital fund. Thanks to all that came to make this event so fun! Regards, Steve Cotten Sagitarius Executive
Yes, I know it’s close to the ‘Big Day’, but hey, what better way to get into the spirit... It will be a bit of a free form day; pistol, rifle, shotgun. Please RSVP, so I have an idea of how the day will play out. 1000hrs start, range 3, $10 drop in fee. Stuff for the [...]
There are only 3 spots left for the Advanced Carbine 2 day course. If you've been waiting to sign-up you better get on it now. This class will sell out and then you will miss out! For more information about the course check out this article here. DATE AND LOCATION Date: 23–24 November 2013 Confirmed Location: Abbotsford [...]
Sat - Sun November 23 - 24, 2013 For those members and friends who want to get their IPSC certification for using a holster, recognized everywhere, or want to get ready to shoot in the 2014 IPSC season, this course is for you. The classes tend to be small which allows students more time to [...]
Last weekend saw yet another IPSC Training Course at AFGC. This was the seventh event with one more this year scheduled for November 23–24th, 2013 and then nothing until January 2014. The 2014 schedule is on the club calendar, on the IPSC BC pages and on the MD Gardner Website. This year the classes involved 33 [...]
New target frames So far our 2013 year has seen some changes as we had a good turnout for our work bee of putting in new targets on our outdoor range. Indoor 3d Shoot We had successful 3D shoots starting in Jan with our indoor at the Agri Fair and it was a great success [...]
This course is designed primarily with the needs of the law enforcement or military professional in mind however, experienced carbine shooters will gain valuable insights and experience as well. Skills showcased in this course range from the application of fundamental shooting skills through to use of cover, multiple target engagement, communications, judgment and team tactics. [...]
Another reminder for everyone that we have our first match of the season this weekend and I hope to see a lot of people there to test their speed. Shooter registration is from 9-9.45am and the shooters meeting is at 9.50 with shooting to begin at 10. This is a full 8 stage steel challenge [...]
Quick update with our summer match schedule. As with last year you can shoot 2 guns per day and its $15 for the first gun and $10 for the second. Contact me for any other info. April-20th May-18th June-15th July-TBD, this will most likely be our 2 day big event August-17th Sept-21st (That’s the 3rd [...]