Clipping Steelhead

I want you to check out "Clipping Steelhead" on Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum.  To view it, please click this link:

By |2022-05-15T15:38:31-07:00September 26th, 2010|Fishing|Comments Off on Clipping Steelhead

Fish Farms

Alexandra Morton addresses 600 citizens in Qualicum Beach, BC - January 2010 The plain fact is that Alexandra Morton shouldn't have to prove a damned thing. By international law we're bound by the Precautionary Principle, meaning that those who would invade the environment must demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that they can do so safely. [...]

By |2022-05-15T15:38:32-07:00April 17th, 2010|Fishing|Comments Off on Fish Farms

Full Support for BC Salmon Forum Report from the BC Wildlife Federation

Vancouver – The BC Wildlife Federation, through its’ Tidal Waters and Freshwaters Fisheries Committees, has thrown the full support of its’ 30,000 members behind the BC Salmon Forum Report released today. The Forum, chaired by the Honourable John Fraser spent four years reviewing the state of the salmon stocks and the operations of our salmon aquaculture [...]

By |2022-05-15T15:38:33-07:00August 24th, 2009|Fishing|Comments Off on Full Support for BC Salmon Forum Report from the BC Wildlife Federation

Fish Tag Program

ATTENTION FISHERS: REWARD FOR RETURNED RADIO TAGS If you catch and keep a Fraser sockeye or chinook with a spaghetti tag and with a hole in the adipose fin, remember to look for an antenna coming out of the mouth. Remove the internal transmitter and the spaghetti tag and contact LGL at once. Individuals returning transmitters to LGL [...]

By |2022-05-15T15:38:34-07:00May 6th, 2009|Fishing|Comments Off on Fish Tag Program

Thompson Steelhead Hatchery Proposal

The Issue: The recreational fishery for Thompson Steelhead is critical for the economy of Spence’s Bridge, Lytton, Shaw Spring, Big Horn, Ashcroft and to a lesser degree, Cache Creek and Merritt. The continuing decline in angling opportunities has had a negative impact on the economic health of all these localities with the heaviest impact on [...]

By |2022-05-15T15:38:35-07:00March 22nd, 2009|Fishing|Comments Off on Thompson Steelhead Hatchery Proposal
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