As we prepare to wrap up the year a special thanks to our members, the BOD and our caretakers for the amazing club that AFGC is. If you have only been a member for a few years you won’t have seen the incredible growth that this club has gone through over the last decade and a bit. I started on the board in the early 90s, I think 1990 if my memory is correct, as an archer, before moving onto handguns, rifle and shotguns. I first started off as newsletter chair, which became website and other PR related duties, then membership, then vice president, and then president among many other positions since and in between. When I joined we had less than 300 members in the club, one indoor and one outdoor range, and an archery area down by where Range 3 is and the far parking lot.

A lot has changed, we now have 3000 members (with family members included over 5000), multiple outdoor ranges, lights, heat and Coming Soon™, rollup doors. We have had our share of growing pains but through it all, our membership and board members have been incredibly supportive, helpful and encouraging. Going into 2024 I look forward to that continuing.

Regarding the roll up doors that should soon be operational, a very important rule will be implemented as soon as they are working, and that is, Do NOT handle firearms while the door is closed. You may only case, uncase or otherwise handle firearms when the door, at the bench you are sitting at, is fully open. And handling of guns behind closed doors during open range times may result in membership privileges being revoked. This applies to handling guns at the back benches as well, something people still do. The only place to handle your guns is directly at the benches and/or firing line, or under the direct supervision of a Sub Club during an event. There will be new signage going onto the rollup doors as soon as possible, to remind people of the new rule.

Our new LVZ is working well, with many members showing their appreciation for it via text, email and in person talks. Big thanks to Tim at Dickey’s Electric for that system!
Happy holidays!