About AFGC President

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So far AFGC President has created 129 blog entries.

AGM 2017 Agenda

Please find below the latest agenda for the AFGC Annual General Meeting on March 16th at 7:00 pm. Ascertainment of Quorum Adoption of minutes of last AGM Consideration of matters arising there from Presidents Report Secretary, Treasurer and/or Auditors Report Budget Special Resolutions Constitution, Part 3 section B, remove, the B.C. Wildlife Federation [...]

By |2017-03-04T18:00:46-08:00March 4th, 2017|President's Reports|Comments Off on AGM 2017 Agenda

Presidents Report February 2017

We are heading into the last month before the AGM, we are always looking for new blood to get involved in the club as directors, if you’ve been a member for at least 5 years you too could join our merry band and be board member. Shoot an email to president@afgc.ca and let me [...]

By |2017-02-04T21:58:03-08:00February 4th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Presidents Report February 2017

President’s Report January 2017

Winter is coming... Actually it’s still here!!! It’s great to see so many people out and enjoying the range this winter, our large family of shooters seem to be willing to shoot no matter the weather, and for the most part we haven’t had any problems, but we’ve had a couple. I hate to harp [...]

By |2017-01-08T13:37:51-08:00January 8th, 2017|President's Reports|Comments Off on President’s Report January 2017

A Clarification on Range Rules etc

I had a number of emails asking for clarification about the range rules, suggestions for more rifle racks, etc.  So, without further ado... Approaching benches means, walking directly up to the bench, not walking past. During a cease fire you can absolutely walk past the benches, either across the shooting shed or to go [...]

By |2016-12-19T14:34:40-08:00December 11th, 2016|President's Reports|Comments Off on A Clarification on Range Rules etc

President’s Message

It seems to need to be addressed every 3 or 4 months, and with our light rule set at AFGC, I wished it didn't need to be.  Do NOT touch your guns, or approach benches with guns on them during a cease fire. Doing so is not only unsafe, it is against our rules. [...]

By |2016-12-09T17:09:41-08:00December 4th, 2016|President's Reports|Comments Off on President’s Message

Presidents Report November 3, 2016 

I am pleased to see Range 2 being so busy now that the new lights are up and running, I’ve received a lot of great feedback from members about the lights and how it was a long time coming, but they are all thankful for them being up and working now.  We will hopefully [...]

By |2016-12-09T17:11:50-08:00November 4th, 2016|President's Reports|Comments Off on Presidents Report November 3, 2016 

Range 2 Lighting is now here!

It has finally happened! The new LED lights are now working on Range 2 and as a result Range 2 is now open until 10:00 pm for shooting on all nights that it is open (Archery Wednesdays and Archery Sunday excluded of course). So, how do you use the lights? It’s very simple. The [...]

By |2019-07-01T20:10:33-07:00September 16th, 2016|News|Comments Off on Range 2 Lighting is now here!

 Presidents Report September 2016 

I am back, finally. I would like to thank all the members of the board for all their hard work this summer and Dave and Linda for their hard work as well. I would especially like to thank Mark Porter for stepping up and running the meetings while I was gone. The significant amount [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:33:10-08:00September 11th, 2016|President's Reports|Comments Off on  Presidents Report September 2016 

President’s Report July 2016

Hello from Europe! As many of you know I am in Europe for most of the summer competing in matches every weekend, and sometimes midweek as well. So far in 10 weeks I’ve hit 13 major matches and had some practice sessions here and there. I’ve been in 12 different countries, and the ranges have been everything [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:33:06-08:00July 15th, 2016|President's Reports|Comments Off on President’s Report July 2016

President’s Report April 2016

It seems that summer is already here with some very warm, if not hot, days hitting us already. This will likely mean more people out at the club enjoying the ranges which means it’ s a good time to review some range etiquette. First off, when you get to the range, please sign in, [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:33:03-08:00April 17th, 2016|President's Reports|Comments Off on President’s Report April 2016

President’s Report AGM 2016

The AGM for 2016 has come and gone, I would like to thank everyone who came out to the meeting on Thursday, numbers were down a bit from last year, there were 79 in attendance, which I hope means people are happy with how the club is being run. If you do have any questions or [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:33:01-08:00March 13th, 2016|President's Reports|Comments Off on President’s Report AGM 2016

Correction Notice: President’s Report

Please note there has been a correction made to the President's Report in regards to the Board of Directors positions. It should read that a member must be in good standing with the Club for a minimum of five (5) years to apply for a BOD Position. Sorry for any confusion. Thanks! [...]

By |2017-01-03T16:32:57-08:00February 4th, 2016|President's Reports|Comments Off on Correction Notice: President’s Report
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