IPSC Sub Club Resuming IPSC Stage Practice Nights

IPSC Stage Nights are Back! Starting August 13th. Due to COVID-19 considerations the IPSC Sub Club is moving the IPSC Stage Practices from Saturdays on Indoor Range 1 to every 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Thursday of the month on Outdoor Range 4 (the first Thursday is not scheduled due to AFGC Board Meetings). Make sure [...]

By |2020-08-12T12:57:11-07:00August 12th, 2020|IPSC|Comments Off on IPSC Sub Club Resuming IPSC Stage Practice Nights

Biathlon Report August 2020

We are excited to finally be back up and running- officially, since the beginning of July. Four months off from official training has been a challenge for our athletes, but they have all done well keeping active on their own.  We have a record number of athletes and parents signed up with our Club [...]

By |2020-08-07T11:25:07-07:00August 7th, 2020|Biathlon|Comments Off on Biathlon Report August 2020

Trap Report August 2020

July 19 had meeting of Trap Club members. Ron Edward, Nathen Cole and Daryl Jantzen will be signing officers on club account. Discussion on old trap machines, retain and possibly mount on side wall or tower. Discussion refurbishment of trap gun rack - Nathen will take charge. Discussion on patterning plate - need main [...]

By |2020-08-07T09:04:23-07:00August 7th, 2020|Trap Club|2 Comments

ATS Report August 2020

8 shooters showed up for the advanced part of the ATS. Our day started with a blue gun practice from 8:30AM to 10AM. After the briefing and live interaction with Claude, shooters switched to the live fire, practicing both basic and advanced skilled. The day started from the regular cover fire retreat to the Ozzy Peel [...]

By |2020-08-07T08:59:29-07:00August 7th, 2020|A.T.S.|1 Comment

.22 Club Monthly Report for August 2020

We are now up to 10 shooters, 5 in each of 2 lines.  Things have slowed a bit this month, and there is room for more shooters. You must Pre-Register at https://www.supersaas.com/schedule/AFGC/22_Club.  It will want a schedule password, it is “shooting”.  We are allowing you to register 17 days in advance, to give everyone [...]

By |2020-08-06T15:02:43-07:00August 6th, 2020|.22 Rifle|Comments Off on .22 Club Monthly Report for August 2020

PPC Report August 2020

On August 2nd we held our second CPCA nationally registered match with 10 shooters attending, including the range officer.Mark Horsley fired a national record matching 240 – 24x in match 1 of the Duty Pistol course of fire.We maintained all the required Covid-19 physical distancing and were still able to complete all the courses of [...]

By |2020-08-06T08:45:15-07:00August 6th, 2020|P.P.C.|Comments Off on PPC Report August 2020

August 2020 Fishing Report

Local Rivers: Fraser River: tidal and non-tidal - is still closed to all fishing except Sturgeon. There is still no word on any openings as fisheries is waiting for the official salmon migration numbers! Rumours are that it is being considered to open for Chinook angling in late August for the whites. In other [...]

By |2022-05-15T15:36:33-07:00August 3rd, 2020|Fishing|Comments Off on August 2020 Fishing Report

AFG-ATS Reminder for 26 July

This weekends shoot is on, provided I receive enough RSVP’s. This shoot would be a morning advanced shoot only, of those qualified to run blue gun drills (Veritac alumni of the SFTP-3 or DSTO course, or other preapproved equivalent training), 0830- 1000hrs, followed by 2 hours of live fire advanced drills, wrapping up at [...]

By |2020-07-24T17:22:00-07:00July 24th, 2020|A.T.S.|2 Comments

Update from the Wild Sheep Society of BC

Every year, AFGC commits to support other non-profits and societies that help to benefit our sport and hobbies. One of those groups over the past few years has been the Wild Sheep Society of BC, put forward by the Big Game subclub. They have recently launched a new Zoomcast called Sheep Talk and the first [...]

By |2020-07-22T09:51:26-07:00July 22nd, 2020|Big Game Club|Comments Off on Update from the Wild Sheep Society of BC

IPSC Training (Black Badge) Course July04/05 2020 – The New “Normal”

After almost 4 months, Training Courses are up and running again, but different. Four students, one Instructor and two helpers were on site. Everyone wore masks as you can see. Myself and Jay used CapShields and loved it! It sure shows how many particles get lobbed into the air in a day. Guns were [...]

By |2020-07-13T10:59:56-07:00July 13th, 2020|IPSC|Comments Off on IPSC Training (Black Badge) Course July04/05 2020 – The New “Normal”

Steel Challenge Update

Members, please be aware of some Steel Challenge Rules updates for Tuesday evenings. Tuesday night steel will start promptly at 7:15 pm. Those arriving late may not be able to shoot depending on that night's turn out. Drop in fees for members is still $5, but for non-members the fee is now $10. While COVID physical [...]

By |2020-07-07T15:58:32-07:00July 7th, 2020|Steel Challenge|6 Comments
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