ATS reminder for 26 June 16

All, a reminder for this months shoot, Sunday, 26 June. Pistol, carbine, shotgun, 250 rounds per platform. 0930 setup and brief, Range 3. Please RSVP, if you plan on attending. Volunteer RO’s still required, for Range 3, and other activities, for the Saturday 23 July Open House. Please let me know, if you can assist. Next CQB shoot, 06 [...]

By |2016-06-17T13:42:12-07:00June 17th, 2016|A.T.S.|Comments Off on ATS reminder for 26 June 16

PPC Sub Club Report June 2016

The PPC Sub Club was honoured to co-sponsor the BC Sheriff Shooting Association Championships held the last weekend of May and despite completing the individual competition on the Saturday which was  the wettest day of the year and standing water on the range, the weather cleared up nicely for the skills competition held on the [...]

By |2016-06-10T22:34:52-07:00June 10th, 2016|P.P.C.|Comments Off on PPC Sub Club Report June 2016

June Fishing Sub-Club Report

Local Rivers (non-tidal) 1) Fraser; still coloured up but warming up due to slowing of interior melt. Freshet is still occurring bringing lots of debris with it. Sturgeon fishing is excellent, I personally boated six sturgeon on the May long weekend, from Jesperson Rd down to the Vedder. Oolichons and lamprays were the ticket to [...]

By |2022-05-15T15:37:59-07:00May 29th, 2016|Fishing|Comments Off on June Fishing Sub-Club Report

Fishing Sub Club Report May 2016

Local Rivers Non-Tidal Fraser River: has coloured and risen significantly since the last week of April. If boating please be cautious of floating debris on its way to River mouth. Freshet will be very long this year due to substantial snow packs in the Ominica and Chillcotin regions. For sturgeon guides are using lamprays, oolichons [...]

By |2022-05-15T15:38:00-07:00May 15th, 2016|Fishing|Comments Off on Fishing Sub Club Report May 2016

22 Rifle Sub Club Report May 2016 

We are looking for more assistance with the .22 Rifle Club. Pieter was just notified he now has to work Monday evenings for the next few months. Had to cancel last Monday as neither Pieter nor I were available. We are also planning a special Monday evening sometime in June. There will be goodies and [...]

By |2016-05-15T17:09:30-07:00May 15th, 2016|.22 Rifle|Comments Off on 22 Rifle Sub Club Report May 2016 

ATS Sub Club Report May 2016

All, please note that ATS will be cancelled, for this month, as I’ll be shooting the BCRA Lower Mainland Service Rifle Championship. The Lower Mainland Championship is two days this year. The 21st will be a practice day and depending on who comes out we will tailor the day for the benefit of most. At the [...]

By |2016-05-15T17:06:28-07:00May 15th, 2016|A.T.S.|Comments Off on ATS Sub Club Report May 2016

ATS April 2016

April’s IDF Tavor courses were well attended, with a lot of positive feedback expressed, both on course content, as well as the facility. The instruction on the current IDF “Big Army Way” of training provided a completely different perspective, from the usual “Gunfighter” style typically taught on North American carbine courses. I also sweat about [...]

By |2016-05-15T17:01:57-07:00May 15th, 2016|A.T.S.|Comments Off on ATS April 2016

PPC Sub Club report May 2016

Our monthly match was held on the first Sunday of the month with 10 competitors plus the range officer and a referee in preparation for our CPCA registered match to be held the first Sunday of August. The weather was perfect for shooting and made for a great day on the range. Club members who [...]

By |2016-05-15T16:57:09-07:00May 15th, 2016|P.P.C.|Comments Off on PPC Sub Club report May 2016

Trap Report May 2016

Had 7 shooters out. The night practice has started AP 7 – 4 shooters, 5, 4, 6, May 8, 6. Next shoot May 15. Club trophies June 19 -125 rounds. Ron Edward Trap Club

By |2016-05-15T16:55:50-07:00May 15th, 2016|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Report May 2016


A good size group completed the IPSC TC last weekend. There were 6 shooters in the class using 2 CZ Shadows, 2 SW M&P, 1 Glock and 1 SW 5946, all in 9mm Luger. Yes, the SW is a prohib but Mounties can use them ;) Always a pleasure when our law enforcement members participate [...]

By |2016-04-18T13:30:06-07:00April 18th, 2016|IPSC|Comments Off on IPSC TRAINING COURSE Apr16/17.16

22 Rifle Sub Club Report for March 2016 

A great big thanks to Dave and Linda Dunn. Linda washed all of our shooting matts (they were beyond filthy) and Dave made some more prone wood supports. Also, a big thanks to Peter who ran things when I was off sick. We have purchased some Savage Rascal Target Rifles in left hand. These are [...]

By |2016-04-17T09:38:07-07:00April 17th, 2016|.22 Rifle|Comments Off on 22 Rifle Sub Club Report for March 2016 
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