22 Sub Club Report February 2016

We have a preliminary budget approval for purchases of additional 22 left handed rifles that can be used by the 22 Club. However, after contacting many suppliers and doing research in depth, YUCK! Talking with Peter at Rusty Woods in Mission, if we re-sight a rifle that is not made to accept peep sights, it [...]

By |2016-02-13T12:24:43-08:00February 13th, 2016|.22 Rifle|Comments Off on 22 Sub Club Report February 2016

ATS Sub Club Report February 2016

Sunday 24 Jan saw 6 shooters out, with a full steel array for drills. Feedback was very positive, though the drills run need some tweaking, to allow for the decrease in time wasted taping targets! The first CQB shoot of the year, with a new course of fire, was a resounding success. 40 shooters out, [...]

By |2016-02-13T14:53:39-08:00February 13th, 2016|A.T.S.|Comments Off on ATS Sub Club Report February 2016

Archery Sub Club Report February 2016

January was an awesome month for the archery club. We had our Indoor 3d Championship. Held at the Abbotsford Agriplex. We had over 200 shooter's each day. Shooter's came from all over. Our neighbors down south in Washington, Quesnel, Williams Lake, Vancouver Island and the Greater Vancouver area. The shoot all in all was a [...]

By |2016-02-13T12:14:16-08:00February 13th, 2016|Sagittarius Archers|Comments Off on Archery Sub Club Report February 2016

Biathlon Sub Club Report February 2016

The competition season continues with Cadet Provincials this weekend, BC Cup #3 next weekend, and BC Games coming at the end of the month. We had some excellent results at BC Cup #2 in Prince George this weekend with our athletes taking 4 golds, 1 silver and 2 bronzes. With 3 new athletes joining the club we [...]

By |2016-02-13T12:11:53-08:00February 13th, 2016|Biathlon|Comments Off on Biathlon Sub Club Report February 2016

Angling Sub Club Report February 2016

Fraser River Non Tidal: Lots of big Cut Throat being hooked. Angle with baits, eggs, shrimp, and worms. Two per day limit over 30 cm. Hatchery only. Sturgeon fishing has picked up again due to a warming trend. Starting to pick up Steelhead at creek mouths. Bait is best. One per day limit, hatchery fish [...]

By |2022-05-15T15:38:02-07:00February 13th, 2016|Fishing|Comments Off on Angling Sub Club Report February 2016


In 2013 the Club hosted 31 students, 40 in 2014 and in 2015, 45. Continuing interest and growth in IPSC is encouraging as the game grows bigger every year. Another crew of 5 keen students and the usual support not only from AFGC but the assistant helper, Dean M. Without his, and the club’s support, [...]

By |2016-02-04T08:26:54-08:00February 4th, 2016|IPSC|Comments Off on IPSC TRAINING COURSE Jan23/24.16

ATS for 24 January 2016

First shoot of the year. Pistol/ Carbine/ Shotgun; bring the standard 250 rounds per platform. The usual admin; $10 for members, $20 for non members, 0930hrs setup and safety briefing, 1000hrs rounds down range. Apologies for the late notice, but please RSVP, if you plan on attending. Reminder for the first CQB match of the year; Saturday, [...]

By |2016-01-23T17:29:00-08:00January 23rd, 2016|A.T.S.|Comments Off on ATS for 24 January 2016

PPC Sub Club Report January 2016

The 2015 shooting season came to a close with our turkey match held on the first Sunday of December with 13 shooters attending, including one shooter from Montreal, who is well known to our members, and was in town visiting family for the holiday season. This match brings our 32nd year of continuous monthly PPC matches. It has [...]

By |2016-01-18T09:13:30-08:00January 18th, 2016|P.P.C.|Comments Off on PPC Sub Club Report January 2016

Archery Sub Club Report January 2016

It's been a busy start to the year. Our Wednesday drop in has been extremely busy.  A lot to do with our upcoming indoor 3D shoot. Our drop in  numbers have been 50+ shooters. This past Sunday we held an archery work bee preparing for next weekends shoot. A big thank you to all that volunteered their [...]

By |2016-01-18T09:13:09-08:00January 18th, 2016|Sagittarius Archers|Comments Off on Archery Sub Club Report January 2016

ATS Sub Club Report January 2016

Decembers shoot was a roaring success, dispite the snow and the Christmas/ New Years timing. Four shooters were able to run through a new target array I have high hopes for, and feedback was positive. This months shoot is Sunday, 24 Jan; 0930 setup and brief, 1000hrs rounds down range. Pistol/ carbine/ shotgun, with 250 rounds [...]

By |2016-01-18T09:13:16-08:00January 18th, 2016|A.T.S.|Comments Off on ATS Sub Club Report January 2016

828 Hurricane Air Cadets January 2016

The team was up at Cypress preparing for this weekends Biathlon competition. We have 8 cadets involved this year and have been using the WOP as it is more conducive to ski and shoot at the same time. We have not practiced at AFGC yet this season but plan to bring some new cadets to [...]

By |2016-01-16T15:10:10-08:00January 16th, 2016|Cadets|Comments Off on 828 Hurricane Air Cadets January 2016
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