Upcoming Multigun Match April 18th

Maverik's Multigun will be having a match on April 18th at AFGC. As usual, new and more experienced shooters are both welcomed and encouraged to come out and shoot. This match, we will be trying something a little different. There will be 4 small-medium stages with a shoot off once all squads have completed the [...]

By |2015-04-19T10:32:30-07:00March 23rd, 2015|Multigun|Comments Off on Upcoming Multigun Match April 18th

IPSC Training Course report and update

IPSC TRAINING COURSE Mar21/22.15 I apologize for not sending in reports of TC from Dec2014, Jan & Feb 2015. All three courses had great crews of students and the usual support not only from AFGC but the assistant helpers, Robert C and Dean M. Without their, and the club’s support, IPSC BC growth would not [...]

By |2015-03-23T09:23:45-07:00March 23rd, 2015|IPSC|Comments Off on IPSC Training Course report and update

Limited Entry Hunting draw for 2015 is now open

LEH application are due at the Victoria address by 4:30 pm Friday May 22, 2015. Hard copies (printed version) are currently being printed and should be available at your local vendor the week of Apri 6, 2015. Limited Entry Hunting (LEH) are hunting opportunities created via a "lottery", and the details are found in the LEH [...]

By |2015-03-22T16:59:16-07:00March 22nd, 2015|Big Game Club|Comments Off on Limited Entry Hunting draw for 2015 is now open

ATS March reminder, 2015 Open House warning order, and other gun goodness

ATS Shoot ‘Mornin’, shooters. A reminder for the ATS shoot, Sunday, 22 March; CoF will be handgun/ shotgun, followed by handgun/ carbine in the PM. Bring some shot and slug, if you want to confirm your slug zero/ buck pattern, at various ranges. 0930 hrs setup and briefing, rounds downrange at 1000 hrs; $10.00 for members, [...]

By |2015-03-15T13:01:47-07:00March 15th, 2015|A.T.S.|Comments Off on ATS March reminder, 2015 Open House warning order, and other gun goodness

Multi-Gun Practice Day

Maverik's Multigun will be holding a Practice Day on March 21st at AFGC. We will start practice at 10:30am on Range 5 (to the right of Range 4) and go until everyones tired or out of ammo! This will be great for newcomers that want to get a taste of what multi gun is about and more [...]

By |2015-04-19T10:32:31-07:00March 14th, 2015|Multigun|Comments Off on Multi-Gun Practice Day

Trap Report February 2015

This month we had 21 shooters out and Warren Danielson shot his first 25 straight. Congratulations Warren! Our next shoot is March 15, 2015 If you are interested in getting involved with the Trap Club give me a call at 604-792-3440 and we would love to see you out at practice nights. We meet every Thursday starting [...]

By |2015-03-08T18:27:47-07:00March 8th, 2015|Trap Club|Comments Off on Trap Report February 2015

ATS Reminder for 22 March, 2015

All, the March shoot will be Sunday the 22nd. Range 3, 0930 hrs setup, 1000 hrs rounds down range. $20.00 drop in fee. Please RSVP. Handgun, shotgun, rifle, to make up for the ‘stuff’ we didn’t cover in last months shoot. For all you who are AFG members, a reminder for this years AGM; 1900 hrs, Thursday, 05 March. [...]

By |2015-03-01T18:39:41-08:00March 1st, 2015|A.T.S.|Comments Off on ATS Reminder for 22 March, 2015

IPSC Training Course Feb 28 / Mar 01 2015

For those members and friends who want to get their IPSC certification for using a holster, recognized EVERYWHERE, or get ready to shoot in the 2015 IPSC Season, this course is for you. Qualifiers are coming soon. April is full and others would be your course completion match. These classes tend to be small which allows [...]

By |2015-02-22T15:27:29-08:00February 22nd, 2015|IPSC|Comments Off on IPSC Training Course Feb 28 / Mar 01 2015

ATS Reminder for Sunday, Feb 22, 2015

The shoot is on, for February; handgun/ carbine/ shotgun Sunday, 22 Feb, 0930 admin and set up. Range 3, 0930, $20.00 drop in fee, member or non member. Please RSVP if you plan on attending. Upcoming stuff Confirmed dates for CQB competition shoots, 2015: March 7 May 2 July 4 September 5 October 3 November [...]

By |2015-02-01T10:14:43-08:00February 1st, 2015|A.T.S.|Comments Off on ATS Reminder for Sunday, Feb 22, 2015

ATS for 25 January 2015 CANCELLED

All, please be advised, there will be no ATS on 25 January 2015. As a result, Range 3 will be open to all members from 10:00 am - 10:00 pm. Next shoot will be 22 February 2015. Regards, Claude Murdoch ATS Director

By |2015-01-16T09:25:03-08:00January 16th, 2015|A.T.S.|Comments Off on ATS for 25 January 2015 CANCELLED

Tactical Pistol Skills Course 2015

Back Due to Popular Demand, Tactical Pistol Skills Course in Abbotsford Presented by: There will be two courses offered and you won't want to miss out! Space will be limited and non-members are welcome to register.  Tactical Pistol Skills Course July 23 & 24, 2015 Topics that will be covered: Combat Mindset Training for performance under stress [...]

By |2015-06-09T16:39:33-07:00January 14th, 2015|IPSC|Comments Off on Tactical Pistol Skills Course 2015
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