CANCELLED – 22 Club Night Drop in Mon Feb. 6
Unfortunately due to the poor weather, our regular 22 Club Drop in night will be cancelled on Monday, February 6th. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Unfortunately due to the poor weather, our regular 22 Club Drop in night will be cancelled on Monday, February 6th. Sorry for the inconvenience.
.22 Rifle has been busy lately, with a full house more often than not. We will be hosting two additional shooting sessions for the Seabird Native Youth Group. They had to cancel due to snow in Agassiz last year. In additional, we will be providing RSOs, rifles, and ammo for their shooting completion end of [...]
January 2017 was a very busy month for our archery club. We hosted our 23rd Annual Indoor 3D shoot. What an awesome success!! This was one of our largest showing to date. We had close to 400 shooters each day. A big thank you to all our faithful members for all of their countless hours [...]
We had 11 shooters out. Thank you to Dave Graham for providing a torch to heat and bend the door stop on the supply shed. Ian Schroeder shot a 25 straight. Good start to the year. Next trap shoot February 19, March 19.
Shooters - With complete consideration to your safety and the current weather advisory calling for up to a foot of snow in Abbotsford, we are unfortunately going to be cancelling the 4 Feb 2017 Action Rifle League Close Quarter Shoot. We will attempt to get a replacement date, however if that does not happen our next match [...]
Please note the IPSC Club match has been postponed on Saturday, February 4th due to poor weather and road conditions. We apologize for the inconvenience, and are looking to reschedule asap. Thanks!
LOCAL RIVERS (non-tidal) Non-Tidal - Fraser River is low and Gin clear! Watch for ice debris! Steelhead being hooked above and including the mouth of the Vedder. Float fishing as well as bar rigging have proven successful. Best baits are Roe and Krill sacks tipped on a swim jig or dark corkies dressed with [...]
January’s ATS saw some old faces out, as well as some new participants, for a nice size group of 9 shooters. A big thanks to joe D, for running the pistol/ carbine portion for me, while I cleaned up some sub club admin. As always, the movement and shotgun drills were an eye opener for [...]
There were 7 shooters in the class using an interesting assortment of pistols; 1 Springfield XD, 1 Glock modified to Standard Div., 1 S&W M&P, 1 S&W revolver (left handed student, of course:), 1 Shadow and 2 Shadow 2's, all in 9mm Luger. All right handers except the one lefty noted and 2 who reload. [...]
Dec 18th Turkey Shoot. Had about 5 prize shoots, 30 A Class, 13 B Class, 8 novices. Thank you to Barry Fooks, Dave McLean, Al Fadden, Rick Nelson and Ron Edward for making this shoot successful. Snow and cold cut down on the number of attendees. The fact the garbage container was locked hindered the [...]
.22 Rifle has been busy lately, with a full house more often than not. Besides our regular Monday evenings, we have accommodated the Outdoor Club at Abbotsford Christian School, and the Seabird Native Youth Group. For Abby Christian, we did a training session with guns at the school which went extremely well. Thanks to David [...]
November 2016 The match was held on November 6. We had 7 shooters and our chief Range Officer. The shooters had a great time. The weather was good. December 2016 The match was held on December 4, 2016. We had 6 shooters including a Range Officer. This was our year end PPC, Christmas turkey shoot [...]