Steel Challenge Cancelled for July
Attention Members: Please note that Steel Challenge on Tuesday evenings will be cancelled during the month of July. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Attention Members: Please note that Steel Challenge on Tuesday evenings will be cancelled during the month of July. Sorry for any inconvenience.
The PPC Sub Club held our Spring CPCA Registered match the first Sunday in May where all the shooter’s scores are submitted to the Canadian Police Combat Association and are used for classification review and upgrading if necessary. The weather was the best we have had all year which made for a very enjoyable day. [...]
May has been a busy time for Abbotsford IPSC competitors with matches attended in Pitt Meadows, Trail and Victoria. The first match of May at TMSA was a sanctioned Level 3 Match, which has not taken place in BC for many years. It also means that coveted President's Medals were on the line for Division [...]
May’s regular ATS shoot as superseded by a paid training event, instructed by Veritac Solutions. Both the preceding weekend (17 shooters) as well as the vehicle portion on 27 May (12 shooters) ere well received, by all participants. The front end 4 hr medical component continues to be an “eye opener’’, for all involved. The next CQB shoot [...]
LOCAL RIVERS AND LAKES Fraser River: - (non-tidal) Sturgeon fishing is fair because conditions are: very high water levels combined with murky conditions; best to use oolichons, lampreys, chum roe, salmon strips, pike minnows and worms. Vedder/Chilliwack: is closed to angling above the crossing; but it is open to fly fishing only below the crossing - May 1-31st. [...]
Had about 12 people out. Trap #1 needs repair, will be done by next monthly shoot. Next shoot May 20, June 17 is club trophies 125 rounds. Night practice April 12 - 5, 19th - 4, 26th - 4.
There won’t be any Skills and Drills for the next 3 weeks due to matches however Steel Challenge is always happening on Tuesday evenings at 7pm down on Ranges 4 and 5. Hope to see you there! For both Friday Night S&D and Tuesday Night Steel Challenge the following rules apply: No Serpa holsters (or similar) [...]
Our 6-week Beginners Rifle Course is now consistently running at about 20 students. Our Drop In sessions continue to be strong, with both new shooters, and a fairly faithful group of weekly shooters. There will be no .22 Club on the May Long Weekend. Curt Smecher .22 Club Chair
The 16th Chad Davis Memorial 3D shoot was a success with the 3rd annual Pig Roast drawing the largest crowd yet. Thank you to all the archers and those who camped for braving the on and off wind, rain and mud. A special thanks to all the volunteers, the kitchen crew and everyone who donated [...]
Our next match will be held on Sunday, May 6. This will be a Registered Canadian Police Combat match. Regards, Robert Stoddart PPC Sub Club Director
LOCAL RIVERS Fraser River: - (non-tidal) The Fraser is rising noticeably every day due to the hot weather province wide. Freshet is happening now! Be cautious at anchor as much debris is coming from the north. The boat launches are busier than usual as the Sturgeon woke up hungry! Use roe; dew worms; salmon parts; key bait is ‘pike [...]
April’s ATS saw a group of 7 shooters out. The AM ‘bluegun prework’ is proving its worth, as the shooters are really getting a chance to practice a perishable skill set. This month’s regular ATS shoot has been superseded by a paid training event, instructed by Veritac Solutions. The first CQB shoot of the season, saw 53 [...]